not much nature places anyway in Singapore...
Here's some of our wild
places and happenings there. And check out this video clip Singapore got wildlife meh?
OK, so there's a few pockets of wild places left.
There's nothing there anyway (except mosquitos)
Our wild shores are alive! wildsingapore
flickr has lots of photos.
our forests are home to amazing creatures: fact
sheets on common marine life in singapore.
We need the land for other more important things,
nature places are useless anyway
Economy versus
Environment: putting a price on nature: can we? will it
make a difference?
Singaporeans care about our nature places!
news on environmental and nature issues in Singapore.
Singapore is so small, surely what we do doesn't matter?
Ecological footprint: Singapore's ecological footprint is huge!
What is biodiversity? And why it is important to humans?
Check out this 2-min video clip.
What can one person do about it anyway?
You CAN make a difference!
Why bother to speak up?
wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank |
believe in something, and not live it,
is dishonest.
Gandhi |
a country chooses to save
is what a country
chooses to say
about itself
Mollie Beattie |
am only one; but still
I am one. I cannot do everything, but still
I can do something.
I will not refuse to do
the something I can do.
Helen Keller |