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wild photos: Sentosa 18 and 19 Jul 04, 5am
Sentosa is becoming one of our favourite places. The water is fabulously clear and calm, and there's quite a lot to see. Here are some of the highlights over the two days.

I saw a lot more octopuses this time. Here is a separate octopus page devoted just to these wondrous creatures.

See also my MMS uploads for the trips on the 18 Jul and on 19 Jul.
click on photo for enlargement
moulting flower crab swimming crab red eyed reef crab eel-tailed catfish view of the shore at sunrise
polka-dotted nudibranch fanworm Eunice bristleworm  
  sea anemone unidentified sea creature mushroom coral hard coral
hard coral hard coral hard coral hard coral hard coral and sea anemone
soft coral soft coral soft coral soft coral soft coral

these blog entries were first uploaded on MoBlog Singapore! Celebrate Singapore NDP 04
website©ria tan 2004