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  IUCN website, 30 Jun 05
'Depend on Nature' action plan to achieve Millennium Development Goals
full report (PDF file)

The World Conservation Union today releases an action plan to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals through improved environmental management.

“We propose a set of concrete actions that will lay the foundation for a future where we do not fight poverty by destroying nature, but by using nature’s tremendous generosity that keeps all of us alive with food, air and water,” says author Dr Sue Mainka of the World Conservation Union.

The action plan, published under the title ‘Depend on Nature’, proposes 23 priority actions to improve the governance, financing, and management of natural resources.

“Environmental sustainability is the goose that lays the golden eggs. If you have goose for dinner you’ll only eat once,” says Jeff McNeely, co-author and IUCN Chief Scientist.

The action plan is based on the fact that everyone, but especially the rural poor, depend on ecosystems for a range of goods (water, shelter, clothing, clean air) and services (climate regulation, crops pollination, recreation).

According to the recently launched Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the benefits to humanity of ‘nature’ are estimated to be in the trillions of dollars each year. Improved management of natural resources can, by increasing these goods and services and by making them benefit the poor, greatly contribute to poverty alleviation and the other internationally-agreed goals.

Conversely, the current degradation of 60% of ecosystem services puts the livelihoods of the world’s 1 billion poor at risk.

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  News articles are reproduced for non-profit educational purposes.

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