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Community in Bloom Awards
by The National Parks Board (NParks)
All entries must be received before 15 Sep 05

The community gardening programme is aimed at cultivating a gardening culture among Singaporeans, inculcating a passion in gardening and developing a greater appreciation for greenery.

The objectives of these Awards are: (a) To promote community involvement in gardening by recognising the good efforts in creating and up-keeping of gardens. (b) To encourage the sharing of creative ideas in the enhancement of gardens.

The Awards are open to existing or new community gardens in 4 categories: (a) Public Housing Estates (b) Private Housing Estates (c) Educational institutions (d) Other organisations (e.g. Health-care institutions, Corporate bodies) Groups of residents of public/private estates, and groups of participants from schools, institutions and corporate bodies are invited to take part.

For each category, prizes for the top 3 estates/organisations and 3 Merit Awards worth $500 each will be given out. Top 3 prizes in gardening vouchers for each category: 1st prize: $5,000 ; 2nd prize: $3,000; 3rd prize: $1,000.

More details on the NParks website (PDF file)

From Waste to WOW: A recyling competition
Teachers' briefing May 05
First round of judging Oct 05
Prize giving Nov 05
during Clean and Green Week

Details from PDF provided by Grant Pereira
Rules and Regulations
1. The name of this competition is “From WASTE to WOW 2005”.
3. PRIZES 1st $5000 and Trophy 2nd $3000 and Trophy 3rd $2000 and Trophy 4th $500 and Trophy and 10 (ten) merit prizes of $100 each
4. Prize money will be made payable to the school.
5. Each team will consist of a minimum of 3 students (maximum of 5 students) under the supervision of a teacher in charge.
6. There is no restriction to the number of teams from each school.
7. All schools, tertiary and other institutions listed in the Ministry of Education's “Directory of schools” are eligible to take part.
8. Each team will be given a standard bag of used RICOH products and they can choose another 10 pieces of used products from a common pool.
9. There will be a briefing for all teachers in charge sometime in May where the above products (item 8) will be given out at the briefing.
10. In October, first round of judging to take place and finalists selected.
11. Major points will be given to items that have creative and practical features.
12. Final judging during Clean and Green Week November 2005.
13. Items not covered in these rules and regulations will be decided by the Judges and their decision/s are final.
14. Email applications to grant@gvn.com.sg giving the following information:
a. School's name
b. Address with postal code
c. Team's name
d. Name of students in a team
e. Name of teacher in charge f. Teacher's email and mobile number
15. For further correspondence or clarification, contact Grant W. Pereira, mobile: 96840950 or email: grant@gvn.com.sg

Green Wave Environmental Care Projects
by Sembawang Shipyard 2005
28 Feb 05 Submission of Proposal Forms
31 Jul 05 Submission of Project Entry

The Green Wave Environmental Care programme aims to involve the community at large, particularly the students, to participate in learning about caring, protecting, maintaining and positively utilizing our environment. The main objective is to inculcate awareness and motivate students to gain a sense of personal and group responsibility for their own environment and in the process, learn how to reason, think critically and act to protect it in a balanced way.

Prizes range from $1,000-$10,000. The project should be in the form of a report, an actual product or equipment. Students and schools are free to propose and develop any suitable projects on the environment. Participation may be on individual basis or in groups. More details on the Green Wave website with suggestions of focus areas, application forms, prizes, guidelines and schedule.

Bayer Young Environmental Envoy
Application closing date 4 Apr 05

If you are 24 years old and below, studying in a university, polytechnic or junior college in Singapore, and passionate about environmental protection, then take up the challenge to become a Bayer Young Environmental Envoy in Germany and/or a delegate at the inaugural Eco-Minds Forum in the Philippines!

Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Four winners from Singapore join Envoys from 12 countries for a weeklong study tour in Germany to gain new insights on the broad spectrum of environmental protection measures employed by industry, municipalities and state environmental authorities.

Eco-Minds Eco-Minds is a new youth program of Bayer and UNEP. The all-expense paid Forum the Philippines in September aims to challenges the youth to think of creative and appropriate uses of science and technology in an interdisciplinary way to address the challenge of Sustainable Development. Three participants will be selected to join representatives from nine countries, and will be selected from the fields of the natural sciences, engineering or technology, and social sciences or management.

Application form and more details on the Bayer Young Environmental Envoy website

3-5 Jun (Fri-Sun): Celebrate the Sea
Entry closing date 1 May 05

A festival to celebrate the Sea organised by OceanNEnvironment in conjunction with World Eco Tourism Expo, bringing together tourism boards, eco-adventure travel destinations, environmental NGOs, equipment suppliers and more.

Competitions now on in these categories: Documentary, slides, colour and b&w photographs, digital portfolio, AG/ONE Environmental Award, Book of the Sea, CD-ROM/DVD, website.

Entry form and more details on the Celebrate the Sea website

Time: 10am-8pm
Venue: Suntec City Convention Centre Level 3, Gallery
Contact: chris@asiangeographic.org

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